Sunday, 20 November 2016

Global Employment In SAP HCM/HR


Global employment refers to an employment scenario where an employee can have a number of personnel assignments in several different countries .in most cases, two countries will be involved. However it is also possible that more than two countries could be involved.

In this case, employment is sequential. The employee is placed on an internal assignment and may return after a certain period has elapsed.

The solution is released for all countries -

Global Employment In SAP 

Global Employee contain Which Components ?

  • Person ID concept : With the person ID concept, each employee receive a unique identification number.
  • Management of global employees : In management of global employees, an employee has various personnel assignments in different countries. The new assignment is planned and monitored through the info type 0705 checklist.
  • Payroll for global employees : The payroll solution for global employment,is called payroll for global employees.The payrolls in the different countries can be run simultaneously here and can exchange information between one another if necessary.

Global Employment and its Phases :

  • Preparation for a global assignment 
  • Preparation for  relocation
  • Transfer
  • Duration of global assignment
  • Repatriation
Concurrent employment refers to an employment scenario, where an employee has several personnel assignments in one country.
The person ID concept is the same as for management of global employees.
Concurrent Employment is only released for some countries

Causes of Global Employment:

Many employees switch from one country to anotherThere are complex compensation rules for international employee assignments, for example responsibilitiesSAP HCM is accessible to most employeesThe central switches for getting global employment can be set in table T77SO.

Important Switches for Global Employment:



Compensation Package Calculation:

The customizing setting should reflect the international employee assignment policy of your company. a new info type package is created if one of the two info types is changed during the negotiations.
You can also use the system to help the system to help calculate how high the basic salary should be for the employees in the country. For this, country specific such as tax deduction, cost indexes and other attributes have to be taken into account 

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